Pandit Pran Nath La Monte Young Marian Zazeela Jung Hee Choi Charles Curtis Terry Jennings Angus Maclise Richard Maxfield Just Alap Raga Ensemble The Theatre of Eternal Music Kirana Center Teaching Program

Jung Hee Choi

Biographical Information

Artist Talk: Jung Hee Choi with Jay Sanders
Jung Hee Choi’s solo exhibition Black: Trans: Maya: Light at the Korea Society focuses on her series of light point drawings and graphite drawings. Utilizing both traditional and experimental techniques, Choi presents mesmerizing images that capture and transfigure light. In this Artist Talk, Choi will be joined by Jay Sanders, Executive Director and Chief Curator of Artists Space.
September 5, 2019

Inspired by Indian Ragas, an Installation of Sound and Light Heightens the Senses
"At the MELA Foundation Dream House, Jung Hee Choi’s Ahata Anahata, Manifest Unmanifest XI seduces, disorients, and transforms." Article by Seph Rodney, via Hyperallergic.
October 5, 2017

Art Agenda: Ahata Anahata, Manifest Unmanifest VII
From Art Agenda's press release announcing Choi's 2013 MELA Foundation installation: “I found Jung Hee Choi’s installation Ahata Anahata, Manifest Unmanifest moving and engrossing… the effect of [Choi's] work is mesmerizing. I believe that this use of drawing with the moving light projections of her video works represents a new and original direction in art today.” –Jon Hendricks, Silverman Fluxus Collection
August 8, 2013

SOUND: A Basis for Universal Structure
In this essay, Jung Hee Choi presents her formulation of Sound, drawing on souces as seemingly disparate as the Pythagorean model of the solar system and modern String theory. See the following excerpt from the Introduction: "Throughout the early civilizations of India, China, Egypt, Mesopotamia and Greece, it was pervasive that number, geometry, astronomy and music were considered four forms of a single concept of proportions. The study of number in itself was arithmetic, in space it was geometry, in time it was music, and the study of space and time was astronomy. These cultures and traditions all recognized music (sound or vibrational patterns) as a foundation that could provide a cosmological synthesis. In this line of thought, the connection between physical reality and metaphysical principles can be reconstructed and directly experienced in music."
Revised 2011

Asian Contemporary Art Week: An Interview with Jung Hee Choi
An in-depth inteview organized by Asia Society, New York in conjunction with ACAW.
May 21, 2009

Jung Hee Choi performing RICE
RICE is a site-specific multi-channel video installation with Composition in the style of La Monte Young's 1960 sustained friction sounds in the La Monte Young Marian Zazeela Dream House as part of The Third Mind exhibition at the Guggenheim Museum.
March 28, 2009